Or will I?
For ten months I have been loved, hugged, and cherished by those same 24 kids. They have allowed me into their young, eager minds as well as their innocent hearts. They have let me become a small part of their journey ahead. They have cared about the little things, such as my new shoes or the fact that I love barbecue potato chips. They have bonded over the big things like our controversial election and their roles in a positive future for all.
Ok. I will miss all of this. A lot.
When people judge teachers because we only work ten months, know this: if we did not have those two months to recover and refuel there would be no teachers. We would be extinct. For ten months teachers teach, mentor, parent, nurse, counsel, befriend, shelter, guard over, and sometimes even feed their students. We are overworked, underpaid, often disrespected, and forever exhausted. Creating ambassadors who will change the world is some of the hardest work on earth.
Don’t shame teachers for our two months off. We have earned every minute. Instead pat a teacher on the back, shake their hand, volunteer in their classroom, or thank them for doing their part to help raise and educate everyone's kids. After all, those kids will become your doctors, judges, entertainers, caretakers, plumbers, builders, engineers, and even your president.
Please take a moment and allow your school-age self to share a memory about one of your favorite teachers. To all of my teacher friends, I shout from my much deserved vacation destination - YOU ROCK!
Enjoy your summer from two of the happiest teachers around!
Ann Marie & Erin