Saturday, September 13, 2014

Book Bites

Every time a new book is released I try to rationalize why I need it for my classroom. Does it fit into the curriculum or any of my existing units of study? If the book doesn’t fit but it’s really amazing, I buy it anyway! Then I create activities around the book, so it isn’t just read quickly and shelved. I call them Book Bites and I’m really excited to share them.

Here’s Book Bite #1 based around Alex Latimer’s hilarious, Lion vs. Rabbit.

If you enjoyed this Book Bite, check out Book Bite #2 based around Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great, by Bob Shea!


  1. Book Bite #2 is coming --when? for Lion vs. Rabbit. thanks

    1. Book Bite #2 is here already and we're working on Book Bite #3! Here's a link to #2. It's about Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great, by Bob Shea.

  2. Are you finished posting information and ideas for Lion vs. Rabbit.? anything /any more to come ? if so when?

    1. So one year later... yup, this is it for Lion vs. Rabbit. Sorry we missed this comment!
