Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Not Your Ordinary Week

Sometimes, to liven things up, my students and I invent a theme for a particular day of the week. We don’t do this every week, just during those times when things start to get monotonous or challenging (before winter, spring, and summer breaks, around testing time, etc.).

Here are some examples: (can you tell we like alliteration?)

Musical Monday: Students can bring instruments from home, we may play music all day, we might play a game of “Name that Tune” or we may study a composer for the day.

Mysterious Monday: When the students walk in, they have a mystery to solve. Maybe there’s a surprise wrapped in a box, maybe something is missing etc… Follow the clues.

Tell Me Tuesday: We show our students a picture of an unusual creature that we think will be unfamiliar to them. Then ask questions such as, “What do you think it eats?” and “Where do you think it lives?” (My class has been doing this for the last few weeks for morning work since our old routine got stale. They're loving it!)

Walking Wednesday: Students and teacher take a walk outside, around the school, the track, or even on a nature trail.

Thank You Thursday: Students write thank you notes to friends, family, or teachers to thank them for something they’ve done.

Think About it Thursday: We pose a thought provoking question to our students and give everyone a small copy of the question to glue in their journal. They love sharing their opinions!

Fitness Friday: We learn a new kind of exercise or an idea for staying healthy and fit.

Free Read Friday: We drop everything we’re doing and grab a book. Students head to a cozy spot in the classroom and read.

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