Saturday, August 17, 2013

Library Check-Out Made Easy

Does your classroom library stress you out? Books lost? Shoved in the wrong places? Here’s a simple and classroom-tested solution to this common problem. We use these over-sized library cards. We have created two versions, which are available in both color and black and white.

Print a class set and allow your students to color their own cards. You might choose to write the students’ names depending on your grade-level. We recommend laminating the cards so they will last longer. Another tip is to run the cards on 3 or 4 different colors of cardstock. This helps the students locate their cards more quickly because they know what color their cards are. Once the cards are made and passed out, the students will visit your classroom library. Decide ahead of time how many students are permitted at one time. When a student sees a book he/she wants to check-out, the card is placed face out, in the crate where the book came from.
Later, when he/she is ready to return the book, the card will be waiting at the front of the crate for easy pick-up and the book will go back in its proper home.

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